You might have seen people who write text in some annoying way. There are lots of ways to make something you write annoying but here is one: iS thiS aNnOyIng?
Yes! it is. Some of my friends write everything in this way. Not everyone can read text written in this way easily. So, in other words you can say this text is annoying.
Here is a tool which can help you to make your text a little bit annoying without any effort. If you go for writing such text by yourself you'll definitely feel annoying yourself. With this tool you can put whatever you want in first box and hit make it annoying. You'll get annoying text in 2nd box shown right below it.
After annoying text snippet is generated you can click on Select all button to select all the text in 2nd box. You can then just press Ctrl + C to copy the text to clipboard.
Note: You can click on Make it annoying button multiple times to generate new annoying snippet.
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